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3 ways to improve the winning odds of your casino games

Everyone in this world wishes to win, especially in gambling. Actually there are some tips and tricks to help you get a better winning odds, but most of us do not know. Want to win more in Casino games? We have good news for you, in this article we are going to share with you 3 major ways to improve winning odds on your casino games. 

[image | alt text = winning odds place more bet]

H2: 1. Place more bet

Gambling is a probability game. In order to win in a probability game, one of the winning factor is the frequency of the game. The more games you play, the higher the chance to get nearer to the actual probability. Hence, by placing more bets, the probability nature are able to help you increase your winning odds. 

More bets mean more risk, so how to reduce your risk? When it comes to gambling, risk management is very important to ensure long term success. One of the actions you can do, is to reduce the bet sizes, at the same time increase the betting frequency. Many players thinking of they want to win big fast, hence they place a huge bet on every game, hoping that winning that one game to cover the losses. This was a bad decision. Casino games are probability games. Meaning to say, playing frequency or number of times you play the game affect the most on your winning rate. 

Since probability is the determining factor, placing more bets is the key to increase the probability chance of winning. Let’s say the game winning odd is 40%, if you just placing 3 big bets, you might not even get 1 game winning, because you got 60% chance to lose. On the other hand, if you place 10 small bets and the winning rate is 40%, meaning to say you will win 4 times throughout the 10 games. If the return is 2:1, then you got a good profit even though each bet is small.

[image | alt text = winning odds get bonuses]

H2: 2. Get as much bonuses as you can

Every Casino give bonuses. You though that is the trap for you to lose more. But think about that, what if you can use it wisely for your own winning? Yes, those bonuses can help you win even more if you know how to use it wisely.

These bonuses help you boost your playing capital, allowing you to be able to place more bets to increase the probability to win (as per the discussion above). It also make a help when you are at a losing status. These extra cash or credits might help you turn back your position, from losing to winning.

Example of great bonuses and offers are Welcome Bonus, Daily bonus, reload bonus and more. In Play666, we offer Welcome bonus as high as 160% which is very high compared to other competitors. 

[image | alt text = winning odds choosing the right casino game]

H2: 3. Choosing the right casino game

Choosing the right game is very important when involved in gambling. You should choose the game that bring high returns or having a high winning odds. Games such as Sports betting and online slots are great choice for this criteria. 

Sports betting usually offer higher return + higher winning odds – usually around half of the chance (either Team A win or Team B win). The winning odds is around 40%, which is considered very high among all the casino games. Slots is another great game that able to help you increase your winning odds. Slots game are basically easier to operate compared to other games. Hence, if you play well in this game, you can get quite a decent return from Slots game alone.

If you wish to explore more exciting games, you can always go to our main website to have a glance through on great games we are offering.