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5 Blackjack Tricks to let you win more and stay safe

Blackjack is one of the popular Live Casino games in online casino platform. Many people throughout the world love this game, that include Malaysian and Singapore. In this article, lets talk about how we can win this famous game with a few tricks.

What is Blackjack and what is the rule?

Blackjack is one of the casino games that use poker cards to play with. It has 2 sides, a dealer and players. It is basically play by counting the points on your card where who has the nearest points to 21 will be the winner. Each of the players including the dealer will have maximum of 5 cards for each game.

Players take turn to add their on hand card until it reach the maximum of 5 cards. If the cards number exceed 21, meaning to say, you are lost in this game. If your card numbers are below than 21, then you should be looking at dealers card to compare, who are the one with higher numbers. If the player have the higher number, the winner goes to player and the dealer have to pay to the player and vice versa.

Tricks of winning in Blackjack

To help you get better chance of wining, we now shares some of the tricks that you should follow in order to increase the winning odds. Lets begin with the first point below:

Play Safe with Basic Strategies

Back to the basic. The basic rules always works and it is proven and calculated by experts. Here are the rules that you should follow and make it as a best practice when you play blackjack:

1. Hit when your hand is 12-16 at the same time the dealer has 7-Ace

2. Stand your ground when your hand is 12-16 at the same time the dealer has 2-6.
3. Don’t keep and always split Aces and 8s
4. Get Double 11 vs the dealer’s 2-10
5. Hit if you have double Aces-6

Check frequently on the Dealer’s Card

Just make sure to check your enemy frequently. Yes, this is another basic trick that you should be following.

Be sure to frequently check on dealers up card with the formula of :

Is it bad (2 through 6) or good (7 through Ace)

Think wisely before taking any actions. Analyse their cards and winning odds. Based on your own cards, take the best actions you can.

Bonus: Implement and learn Card Counting will help you in winning the dealer

Sit at the last seat

Don’t sit at the first seat of the table, experts says. On the other hand, sit as far as you can from the first seat! Why? Because dealers usually focused on the first player and the concentration are reduced when he glance through until the last player.

If you found out that you don’t have a good seat on that table, then change table!

Put Small, Manage risks

Casino games have risks, in fact, alot of risks. In order to win until the end, you should manage your risk by placing your bet small. Ensure all the criteria listed above are met and place small bets. This is the best risks management in Blackjack.

Relax and Stay Focus

Staying focus is one of the most important winning element. If you do not focus, you will be losing due to loss count, make poor decisions and etc. Hence, it is advisable to stand up and walk around for some small exercise. Besides, you can also take some coffee to boost your mind focus!

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