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Another Tips for Roulette Malaysia

I believe that you must be played Roulette Malaysia before. It is a very common game no matter on the bricks and mortar casino or on the virtual online casinos, Roulette Malaysia is definitely a must on the casino table. Since it is so popular and lovable by fellow Malaysian, in this article, we will share with you a simple tips to win in Roulette Malaysia.

What is Roulette Malaysia?

For those who do not know Roulette Malaysia yet, let me explain here. Roulette Malaysia is simply refer to a casino table game that involve spinning a round roller plate which is called Roulette and we place bet based on the predicted numbers that the spinning ball stops.

In the game, players are able to choose to place bets on either a single number, various groupings of numbers, odd and even numbers, the colors (either red or black), or Big Numbers (19 to 36) or Small Numbers (1 to 18).

There are total 36 numbers in this roulette. Which means, the chances of winning in roulette will be 1/36. In order to increase the chances of winning in the game, players often place multiple bet to increase the odd of winning. However, due to bet return limitation, players are not encourage to place more than half of the numbers or else, you will be losing too, due to the returns that the banker given.

For detail explanation on roulette, you can always visit wikipedia.

Tips for winning in Roulette

Yes, in this article, we will share the a simple yet powerful tips of winning in Roulette. The simple method is observe the power of the bookie roll. Based on the roller strength, we are able to predict the potential landing point of the rolling ball. If the roller start rolling the ball from the number 1 side, then potentially, the ball will drop on the opposite side of the roulette.

*Note: These are not 100% work, as it depend on the amount of strength the roller used. The tips is just for reference only.

If you want to learn more on other roulette strategies, feel free to click the link and read more. Good luck to you