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Poker: Tips and Tricks to Win Big in Live Casino

Most of us know the very first gambling game is Poker. Why? Because most movies that we saw in the olden days use to be playing Poker. Such as Chow Yun Fat who act as a Gambling God. In this article, we will explain what is Poker and how to win it.

What is Poker?

Poker basically is a type of card game where players fight to get the highest “score” on its own card deck. Player with the highest “score” will be the winner. In order to win, players must guess what is the card number of the folded card that could possibly become a winning combination deck if it was paired with the open card.

Tip 1: Don’t Play in Bad Games

This tip looks simple to follow, but actually alot of people did not follow that. People are stubborn and not willing to have the feeling of losing even when they got a Bad Game.

Remember, Poker is a psychological game. Never put your feeling and emotions into the game if you are seriously looking at profit. Hint: You will win big by playing against players who are making significant fundamental errors and giving away their money over the long term.

Tip 2: Learn the hand carefully

In Poker, there are a lot of hand combination that you should be aware of. These hands determine the lose and win of your every game. Lets have a look on some standard hand rankings below:

  1. Royal Flush: Consist of the following cards: ten, jack, queen, king and ace, all in same suit
  2. Straight Flush: Five cards in sequence, all of same suit
  3. Four of a kind: Four cards of the same denomination, one in each suit, plus another random card
  4. Full House: Three cards from a same denomination and another set of two cards from the same denomination
  5. Flush: Five cards all from the same suit
  6. Straight: Five cards in a sequence with any suit
  7. Three of a Kind: Three cards from same denomination and two unmatched card
  8. Two Pairs: Two pairs of same denomination card and a random card
  9. One Pairs: One par of same denomination card and three random unmatched card
  10. No Pair: All cards are random and unmatched.

These are hands that following ranking. Who get the highest ranking will win the game and vice versa.

Tip 3: Learn the Poker Odd

It is important to learn the poker odd, especially in live casino as the games will goes on and wont wait for you. Below are some of the odd examples that will help you understand the hands on the table and possibly help you make the correct decision:

  • Flush draw – 9 outs
  • Gut-shot – 4 outs
  • Two over cards – 6 outs
  • Open-ended straight draw – 8 outs
  • Flush draw & gut-shot – 12 outs
  • Straight flush draw – 15 outs

You can use these odds to predict your winning chance. If you have an open-ended straight draw on the flop with 8 outs you can count that you will improve it approximately 8x2 = 16% on the turn and hit your straight or 8x4 = 32% of the time by the river. However, these are just some estimation guidelines, it does not always accurate.

Tip 4: Pay Attention to Other Player’s Hand

Your opponent’s is the greatest threat to you when in the game. Please always pay attention to their table hand. If their hand shows good signs, please do not hesitate to fold your hand – folding is another thing you need to learn and practice. Remember, admitting loss is also one of the survival strategy for long term in Poker.

If your opponent’s hand is not good (or you are at a better position), please follow the game until the end. You must know when to fold and when to follow. These are the skills that you must know if you wish to profit in poker for long term.

If you are interested in Poker Game, please do not hesitate to contact us at: +6017-4953518. We are ready to serve you and provide the best service to you.

Play666 are one of the largest online casino in Malaysia and Singapore, providing lots of online games such as Online Slot Malayia, Online Casino Malaysia, Live Casino Malaysia, Sports Betting Malaysia and much more!

Be sure to read our blogpost for more tips and tricks of other games:

  1. Baccarat Tips and Tricks
  2. Roulette Tips and Tricks
  3. Sports Betting Tips and Tricks